9 Animals that Are Underground  Dwellers


These small, burrowing mammals have strong forelimbs and powerful claws for digging tunnels.


These segmented invertebrates play a vital role in soil health, aerating the ground as they burrow through it.

Naked Mole Rats

These unusual rodents live in large, underground colonies, with one dominant female and several breeding males.

Fennec Foxes

These desert-dwelling foxes have large ears that help them to radiate heat.

Burrowing Owls

These owls are unique in that they live in burrows rather than trees or nests. They often share their burrows with other animals, such as prairie dogs.


These marsupials are known for their powerful hind legs and sharp claws, which they use to dig burrows.


These rodents are expert diggers, creating complex tunnel systems that can extend for hundreds of feet.


Many species of ants live in underground colonies, building intricate networks of tunnels and chambers.


These social insects build large, underground nests made of mud and wood. They play a crucial role in the decomposition of dead wood.