9 Birds who cannot Sing


These birds are primarily scavengers and lack the vocal apparatus necessary for singing.


Similar to vultures, condors are large, flightless birds that primarily glide and soar. They don't produce sounds that could be considered singing.


As the largest living birds, ostriches communicate primarily through body language and vocalizations like hisses and grunts.

Hawks and Eagles:

These birds of prey are known for their sharp eyesight and powerful hunting abilities. They primarily communicate through calls and screeches, not songs.


While owls have distinctive hoots and calls, these sounds are not considered singing


These large seabirds are known for their ability to dive underwater to catch fish. They primarily communicate through squawks and croaks.

Herons and Egrets:

These wading birds are often seen in wetlands. They primarily communicate through croaks and squawks, not songs.


These common seabirds are known for their loud, squawking calls, but they don't sing.


While pigeons can coo and coo, these sounds are not considered singing.