9 Creatures that produce the Highest Number of Babies


These salamanders can lay up to 500 eggs at a time, making them one of the most prolific breeders in the animal kingdom.


Oysters are filter feeders that can produce millions of eggs per year, releasing them into the water to be carried by currents.


A single female cod can produce millions of eggs in a single spawning season, contributing to their abundance in oceans worldwide.


While male seahorses carry the eggs in a pouch, they can produce up to 2,000 offspring at a time.


A queen bee can lay thousands of eggs per day, ensuring the survival of the hive.


Spiders produce a large number of eggs, often encased in silk egg sacs. Some species can lay hundreds or even thousands of eggs in a single sac.


Female mosquitoes can lay hundreds of eggs at a time, contributing to their rapid population growth


Ant colonies can contain millions of individuals, with queens laying thousands of eggs per day to maintain the population

Keep a Rabbit

Rabbits are known for their rapid reproduction, with females capable of producing multiple litters of several young each year.