10 Animals that are good climber

Mountain goats

These sure-footed animals are experts at navigating steep, rocky terrain. Their hooves are specially adapted for gripping onto uneven surfaces.

Bighorn sheep

Similar to mountain goats, bighorn sheep are incredibly agile climbers. They can often be seen scaling cliffs and ledges.

Monkeys and apes

Many primates are excellent climbers, spending much of their lives in trees. Their long, flexible limbs and strong grip make them well-suited for this lifestyle.


Felines like leopards, jaguars, and even domestic cats are skilled climbers. Their retractable claws provide excellent grip, and their strong legs allow them to scale trees and other vertical surfaces.


While they may not be the most graceful climbers, bears are certainly capable of scaling trees. Their large, powerful claws give them a good grip


Many snake species are adept at climbing. Some have specialized scales or body shapes that help them cling to surfaces.


These tiny reptiles are famous for their ability to climb on almost any surface, even upside down. They have microscopic hairs on their feet that create a strong adhesive force


Chameleons are excellent climbers, thanks to their prehensile tails and opposable toes. They can move slowly and deliberately through trees and shrubs.


Spiders are incredible climbers, capable of scaling almost any surface. Their eight legs and strong claws give them excellent traction.


Many insects, such as ants, beetles, and flies, are skilled climbers. They often use their legs, antennae, or wings to navigate through trees and other vegetatio