9 Ancient Animals that  are Still Alive 

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This fish, often referred to as a "living fossil," is one of the most ancient vertebrates known.

Horseshoe Crab

These marine arthropods have been around for over 450 million years and have changed very little since their prehistoric ancestors.


Native to New Zealand, tuatara are reptile-like creatures with a third eye on top of their head and a unique set of teeth. They have survived for over 200 million years.

Chambered Nautilus

This marine mollusk has a distinctive spiral shell and has been around for over 500 million years.


These ancient reptiles have been on Earth for over 200 million years and have remained relatively unchanged.


This unique mammal, native to Australia, lays eggs and has a duck-like bill. It has been around for over 100 million years.


Another egg-laying mammal native to Australia and New Guinea, echidnas have been around for over 50 million years.


These fish have lungs that allow them to breathe air, a trait they've had for over 400 million years.

Ginkgo Tree

While not an animal, the ginkgo tree is worth mentioning for its incredible longevity.