8 Animals Similar Look to Dragons 

Komodo Dragon

The largest living lizard, it boasts a fearsome appearance with scaly skin, sharp claws, and a forked tongue

Bearded Dragon

Known for its spiky appearance and ability to "puff up" its beard when threatened, it bears a resemblance to smaller dragon species.

Chinese Water Dragon

With its slender body, green scales, and spikes on its back, this lizard looks like a miniature mythical dragon.

Thorny Devil

This small Australian lizard is covered in sharp spikes, giving it a formidable appearance

Flying Dragon

Also known as Draco lizards, these reptiles have elongated ribs that support wing-like flaps, allowing them to glide between trees.

Frilled Lizard

With its large, frilled neck that it can expand when threatened, this lizard appears quite dragon-like.

Marine Iguana

These large lizards have dark, rough skin, sharp claws, and spikes running down their backs, making them look like a mix of dragon and dinosaur.

Monitor Lizards

A diverse group of lizards, many of which have long, slender bodies and powerful tails, resembling dragons in some ways.